Head Detective

Take the Guess Work Out of Leaks

Head Detective was created to save homeowners thousands in costly repairs due to leaking toilets.


Release Date Feb 2022

Easy to install onto any standard flange system

Head Detective uses a deflection plate that is mounted Over the toilet flange. Once installed the deflection plate will detect water that leaks past the wax ring by way of a channel which contains a dyed wick. The wick in the channel is dyed red in color.

Red Alert

The last part of the wick is white in color which will be displayed in the clear window of the cap which is mounted on each side of the toilets base. The wick will turn red if an active leak is detected alerting homeowner/occupant immediate action is required.

Proudly Made in the USA

Works as good
as it looks

Head detective was created with the homeowner in mind. In the early 1990’s when I was a general contractor doing bathroom tear outs due to leaky toilets, I asked myself why no one had created a system that detects leaks before the damage started. Fast forward to 2021, after 6 years of tinkering in my garage Head Detective was created.

Fantastic features

Head Detective was created with you the customer in mind. This easy to install system will only add a few minutes to a regular toilet installation with the easy to follow directions.


Release Date Feb 2022

Smooth sound

Maecenas accumsan, elit id hendrerit convallis, lectus lacus fermentum.

Perfectly tuned

Maecenas accumsan, elit id hendrerit convallis, lectus lacus fermentum.

Large battery

Maecenas accumsan, elit id hendrerit convallis, lectus lacus fermentum.

Voice control

Maecenas accumsan, elit id hendrerit convallis, lectus lacus fermentum.

Dual band WiFi

Maecenas accumsan, elit id hendrerit convallis, lectus lacus fermentum.

Multiple alarms

Maecenas accumsan, elit id hendrerit convallis, lectus lacus fermentum.


This easy to install system may keep you from spending thousands in unnecessary repairs due to a faulty toilet installation.


Release Date Feb 2022

Proudly Made in the USA